  1. Diamante

Letra y música: Onna Lou
Producción: Julian Vidal and Onna Lou


Diamante – Onna Lou 2020 (release March 8th 2022)
Ser s callada o mal educada
Ser s sumisa o una paria
Ser s madre, esposa amorosa
o no ser s nada
La maquina te gasta de a poco
Es como una venda en los ojos
Va apagandose tu luz
Y Va creciendo el enojo
Alz  la mirada es tu tiempo ahora
sos una roca tu fuerza desborda
Quien sea que te est  pisando
Surg  de abajo y liberate
Sabr n que con sus pies pesados
Te hiciste diamante
Diamante, diamante
Tomaste su peso viejo
Y te hiciste diamante
Diamante, diamante
Tomaste su peso viejo
Y te hiciste diamante
Con fuerza bruta y psicol gica
Van abriendose caminos
Que sepan que hasta ac  llegamos
No es todo lo mismo
Confi te de tu grito interno
No sos de vivir desde el miedo
Tu voluntad no esta quebrada
No es tuyo el desierto
Alz  la mirada es tu tiempo ahora…
No podes ser invisible
Porque a otro le incomoda
Ya no quiero estar callada
Si hay tantas que lloran
Alz  la mirada es tu tiempo ahora
sos una roca tu fuerza desborda
Quien sea que te est  pisando
Surg  de abajo y liberate
Sabr n que con sus pies pesados
Te hiciste diamante, diamante
Tomaste su peso viejo
Y te hiciste diamante
Diamante, diamante,
tom  ese peso viejo y me hice diamante.

(translation to English)

You’ll be quite or rude
You’ll be submissive or a pariah
You’ll be a mother, a loving wife,
Or you’ll be nothing at all
The machine weakens you slowly
It is like a blind fold
Your light goes dimmer and dimer
And your anger grows
Look up, your moment is now
You are a rock, your strength overflows
Whoever has their foot over you
Emerge from beneath and free yourself
Whoever has their foot on you, emerge from beneath
and liberate yourself
Let them know you’ve taken their heavy weight and
have become a diamond
Diamond, diamond,
You took their old weight
And became a diamond.
With brute and psychological force
They get their way
They have to know it’s enough
It is not “all the same”
Trust your inner cry
It’s not like you to live in fear
Your will is not broken
Their desert is not yours
Look up, your moment is now…
You can’t be invisible
Because someone in uncomfortable (with who you are)
I don’t want to be quite any more
When there are so many who cry
Look up, your moment is now
You are a rock, your strength overflows
Whoever has their foot over you
Emerge from beneath and free yourself
Whoever has their foot on you, emerge from beneath
and liberate yourself
Let them know you’ve taken their heavy weight and
have become a diamond
Diamond, diamond,
You took their old weight
And became a diamond.
Diamond, diamond,
I took that old weight and became a diamond.